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What is a Line & Level Survey?

Simply put, this can be any survey that confirms line (horizontal alignment) and level (vertical alignment) of a sewer, pipeline, tunnel or culvert.

Are all Line & Level Surveys the same?

No. Line and level surveys can be conducted using one or more of a variety of survey methods, including but not limited to the following;

  • Lamping Surveys (effectively assumes a straight line between 2 fixed points)
  • Electromagnetic Probing (Sonde) Surveys
  • Acoustic Based Detection Methods
  • Topographic Line & Level Surveys (Full Man Entry ‘Walk Through’ Methods)
  • LiDAR Scanning (Full Man Entry ‘Walk Through’ Methods)
  • Basic Gyroscopic Alignment (Entry limited to chambers)
  • Enhanced Gyroscopic Alignment (Entry limited to chambers)
  • Gyroscopic Alignment & Autonomous In-Pipe LiDAR Scanning (Entry limited to chambers)

Does it matter which survey method I use?

Yes. This will directly affect the accuracy and reliability of the Line & Level Survey Data and you should ensure when selecting the most appropriate survey method that this provides sufficient reliability to offset or adequately mitigate your future risk levels from construction, piling etc.

How do I know which survey method I need?

This will depend on key priorities and whether these are more heavily weighted in favour of budget or accuracy. When prioritising these factors, please consider the cost of claims or necessary re-design in the event that survey data proves to be inaccurate.
Whilst lower level methods may be perfectly adequate in certain low risk situations, there will be many instances where these will be ruled out on the basis of their limitations and/or susceptibility to external factors such as depth, presence of other underground infrastructure, asset material, survey distance, access etc.

How can I compare survey methods?

Infotec Surveys have developed a unique calculation tool to enable you to consider all available survey options and to make the right choice when commissioning works or seeking quotations on a ‘like for like’ basis.

Are there any other factors I should consider?

Whilst there are many reputable survey companies out there, you should be aware that they are not all equally capable. It is also highly unlikely that you will find a single contractor with direct access to or experience of all available survey methods. You should therefore ensure that you approach the appropriate specialists and consider the ‘value’ of any competitive proposals and not simply the ‘cost’. Do not make the mistake of simply assuming that all ‘Line & Level’ surveys must be equal……they are not!

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